Thursday, May 5, 2022

Starting the Mydan project stuff and more

Huh?! What's this?
Good news everyone! Despite uni kicking my ass again, as always, I've decided to go ahead and begin my Mydan project. In other words, this is it - I'm actually starting my first major comic project, which is pretty crazy to me. I'm really excited to get going with this one and I hope this one's a success. But first, I've got to get all my uni troubles out of the way and then I'll find a way to fit working on the project in my schedule. 

You can read it on ComicFury

Also, due to beating the game Earthbound some couple of months back, as well as reading the game's fan comic The Chosen Four, I've gathered some inspiration for my comic work. Sure, there are aspects that have inspired parts of my Mydan project, but mostly, I've found that my Steel House project has been the one where all this inspiration is going. It makes a lot more sense too, since the elements of Earthbound have more in common with April and her friends than Kamilla and Ruwei xD 

Here's a little screenshot redraw that I did with April and Farqua over the Ness and Titanic Ant.
(Source: pg 35 by Darrow)
I should also mention that, once again, I've been thinking about my Cosmic Loneliness project a little more again. And that's it. That's all I want to say for now.

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