Thursday, September 30, 2021
Project: April and friends - Log #039
Gone Unsupervised! - Log #017
Will this finally be the time? ‘Cause it’s been waiting too damn long!
GODDAMN. It’s been ages since I’ve made my last update on this project. But, I’ve got some good news. Now, I believe it’s coming back. Hiatus could be over and I’m feeling pretty motivated right now.
Here’s the game plan: I’m gonna start off “cheap”. Like, I’ll make the official pages with low-effort material (like plain paper n stuff) and it doesn’t matter if the scanning looks kinda crap. I just want to achieve the feeling of actually getting something out, and consistently. And then once I’ve gotten used to that, I’ll slowly make my way up to improving the production.
This is just going to be a simple webcomic after all, and not something to be printed or anything fancy like that. Pretty hyped!